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Custom Made Synthetic Teak Boat Swim Platform FAQs

⤋ Are they slippery?

PlasTEAK platforms are less slippery wet than dry. The material has a paraffin base and just like the surf boards that are waxed so that the surfers can stand on them in the water, our platforms become more tacky when they are wet.

⤋ What is a standard platform?

Our platforms are all custom made. Generally a platform is at least 18″ (457.2mm) wide. The widest it should be is determined by how deep the keel is. You can go as far out as it is from where the platform sits to the bottom of the keel. The rule of thumb for all platforms to insure proper support. We often suggest that the platform be 3″ to 6″ (76.2mm to 152.4mm) shorter that the full length of the transom. This makes maneuvering easier. Learn more about our platforms here.

⤋ What is a curved platform?

Because the boards are more flexible than wood, they are easily curved and can be blocked out and constructed to match the curve of your boat. See the How To Measure (or How to Measure an Add-On Platform) page or call with questions (1-800-320-1841).

⤋ Can I use my old brackets?

The boards cannot be glued and so are screwed together with stainless steel screws, however the material is more flexible than wood and needs to be supported correctly. For an Add-On Platform in particular, you will most likely require new brackets. View our brackets here.

⤋ Will it stain from what the ducks leave?

The plastic boards are not porous so they will not absorb stains or water. This makes them able to resist salt, gas, oil and water. Because it will not absorb water, it will not rot, crack, split or warp.

⤋ What about UV?

These solid boards are made of recycled plastic material. When the plastic is re-melted a coloring agent is added and extruded into board sizes with the color and UV all the way through.

⤋ What is your returns policy?

These platforms are custom made one at a time and as such are not returnable. We encourage you to get a sample of the material so you can see what we use. Platforms are similar but not identical to classic wood platforms.

The rails arrived today. They are just perfect! Thank you so much for the quick turnaround and great service. I will put up PlasTEAK’s info on my website as well as mention the terrific service you provided. Thanks again.


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